
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School follows admissions procedures which are set by Somerset Local Authority. Please click on the links below for further information on the admission arrangements. 


In Year Admissions

Parents are advised to contact their preferred school direct in order to apply for a place. An application form can be obtained by ringing 0300 123 2224, or can be downloaded from the Somerset County Council website. 

All sections of the application form need to be completed, signed and returned to the school. A proof of address may be needed if the application is as a result of a house move. 

If the school has a place available within the Admission Number for the year group, the Headteacher will send out an offer letter to the parent. 

If the school has no place available within the Admission Number of the Year Group, the School will contact the Local Authority. If the Local Authority agrees the admission over Admission Number, the School will be contacted and asked to send out an offer letter. If the Local Authority does not agree an admission, it will send the parent a refusal letter, an appeal form and information about other schools in the area with places available. 

Starting School for the First Time

There is a national closing date of the 15th January for all starting school applications for children who are/will be Four years of age by the 31st August of that year. They can be made on-line or by completing a paper form. Outcomes will be sent by email or letter on 16th April (or next working day) every year. 

Full details in relation to Starting School Application may be found using the following link below.

We are looking for a 1:1 Learning Support Assistant working in the mornings and a Supervisor Cleaner. Please see our vacancies page for further information