
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

Home Page


Welcome to Sun Class!


The adults that work in this class are Miss Burr and Mrs Whittaker.




Dear Sun Class,


It's the last week of term!! One more week of Home Learning: we are still working on Space, with a great animation to watch, three Guided Reading tasks, Spellings and Maths. Whether you have been working at home or at school, you have all been amazing throughout this strange and difficult time and should be incredibly proud of yourselves. Have a great week meeting your new teachers and enjoy making your rockets and self portraits - make sure to look through the staffs' pictures on the main Class Page!


As I said to those of you who took part in our final Zoom meeting on Friday, it has been fantastic working with you all since January, even though it has been from a distance! A huge thank you to all of you for making the start of my time at Wincanton Primary School such a positive and fun experience. On Thursday, make sure to come into the school office as I have organised a small gift for each of you - they are personalised, so please check the names carefully!


Remember, you are always welcome to e-mail me with any questions you may have, pictures or letters. I always enjoy hearing from you. laugh


 Wishing you and your families a wonderful and relaxing summer holiday - you all deserve it!


Take care of yourselves and keep smiling. smiley


Miss Burr x

English Home Learning

Space Planning: 13th - 17th July

Spellings – Week 13th – 17th July

Spelling Frame – Spelling rule 30 (15 minutes every day)


Word list – island, important, imagine, increase, interest, library, knowledge, length, learn, material

Internet Safety: 6th - 10th July

Maths Home Learning

Maths Videos


Please watch the videos below to help you with using the different methods we have been using to support our Maths during our time in Year 4. 

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. smiley

Describing Position.mp4

Still image for this video

Drawing on a Grid.mp4

Still image for this video

Describing Movements on a Grid

How to Read time/ How to Convert from 24 Hour to 12 Hour

This video shows you how to read clock faces, digital clocks, 12 hour clocks and 24 hour clocks. It also shows you how to convert between 12 and 12-hour time

Telling Time (Whole Hours)

Learn how to tell time (whole hours) on a clock #TellingTime #Math #ElementaryMath

Telling Time (Whole and Half Hours)

Learn how to tell time to whole and half-hours on a clock

Telling Time (Quarter, Half, and Whole Hours)

Learn how to tell time to quarter, half, and whole hours using a clock

Telling Time Nearest Minute

Learn how to read a clock to the nearest minute

An Introduction to Decimals

Watch the video below to help with work on decimals.

Equivalent Fractions

Please watch the video below to see how to calculate equivalent fractions.

Adding Fractions (common denominator)

Please watch the video below to see how to add fractions with the same denominator.

Subtracting Fractions

Please watch the video below to see how to subtract fractions.

Fractions of Amounts with unit fractions.

Please watch the video below to find fractions of amounts with unit fractions (when the numerator is 1).

Finding Fractions of Amounts with non-unit fractions

Please watch the video below to find fractions of amounts with non-unit fractions (where the numerator is greater than 1).

Change an Improper Fraction into a Mixed Number

Please watch the video below to see how to change an improper fraction (6/4) into a mixed number (1 2/4)

Change a Mixed Number to an Improper Fraction

Please watch the video below to see how to change a mixed number (1 2/4) into an improper fraction (6/4).

Column Method for Multiplication - 2 digit X 1 digit

Please watch the following video for guidance on how to use the column method for multiplying two digit and one digit numbers.

Column Method for Multiplication - 3 digit X 1 digit

Please watch the following video for guidance on how to use the column method for multiplying three digit by one digit numbers.

How to do short division (The Bus Stop Method)

Please watch the following video for how to use the bus stop method for division.

PSHE - some ideas for emotional well-being

Different methods to support spellings at home



Please click on the link below to take you to the Parents Curriculum Support page where you will find the Reading Guide for Parents and Volunteer Readers.  This guide will provide you with helpful information and tips when reading with your child / children.

Curriculum Newsletters
Photos and letters from previous learning experiences.
We are looking for a 1:1 Learning Support Assistant working in the mornings and a Supervisor Cleaner. Please see our vacancies page for further information