Welcome and warmest greetings to you. We hope you find our website informative and that it allows you to get a flavour of all that takes place in our busy school. Should you have any questions, please do contact the school to speak with a member of staff.
We are proud of our school and all that happens within it. We wish our pupils to achieve greatly and experience learning hands-on and in real contexts. The staff and pupils are dedicated to getting the best out of every experience and through our nurturing and respectful ethos, pupils grow and develop in to active and interested learners.
Our curriculum is designed to inspire and provoke curiosity, which in turn motivates and leads children to become independent and inquisitive in their learning about the world around them. Through half termly ‘Hooks’, that kick start the learning, to the high-level outcomes that are shared with parents, children are immersed in their learning. Our values of Team Work, Independence, Creativity and Challenge enable our pupils to: communicate well; be responsible for their own and other’s learning; look at the world from a range of viewpoints and have the resilience to persevere to achieve all they possibly can. All attributes that allow us to develop in to active, engaging citizens of the future.
Wincanton Primary has space to learn. The varied and multi-functional spaces around the school facilitate our learning, be it the classroom, playground, pond area, playing field or forest area; they all help us to grow socially and academically. Testing theories and finding solutions to the many problems presented to our children. For if we merely learn and never have to opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge, we can never really have a proper understanding of how things work.
We greatly encourage visits to the school and look forward to meeting you to tell you more about our wonderful school.
Graeme Wilson
If you require any information in large print please contact the School Office on 01963 32132