
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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The Intent of our curriculum is to secure knowledge, skills and attitudes to equip our pupils to become successful members of our society. Giving experiences that fosters aspiration and achievement, whilst developing confidence and stamina to meet the challenges and risks life presents. Having resilience of character that drives and motivates us to become successful, are key to our development. Living in a rural community, with limited transport links and access to a broad range of experiences, we have designed our curriculum to provide opportunities for all, enriching their learning and their lives.   

This intent is supported by a set of values:





Academically or socially, by developing these values we believe –

our curriculum will make us TICC!


TEAMWORK:  Enabling pupils to develop communication skills ensures they are able to speak confidently, with good vocabulary and knowledge of their subject, whilst recognising the importance of listening to others and taking on other people's ideas. Recognising the need to develop leadership, whilst being able to be lead. Developing knowledge and skills from others, whilst demonstrating our own. Realising that strength comes from a shared understanding rather than standing alone. 


INDEPENDENCE: Whilst we work in teams, we have a responsibility to independently deliver what we have offered.  Having autonomy over how we learn and the areas of learning, as well as the choices we make with regards to social interaction and development.  Ensuring pupils have enough knowledge to make informed decisions about their development that will enable them to become confident in future situations.


CREATIVITY: This is not about the art and design, dance and drama, whilst this is a big area of our curriculum, it is the value of creative thinking. To be able to look at things from a multitude of angles, to see things from different perspectives and recognise that there are many ways to achieve something.  The way we present our curriculum will challenge pupils to think creatively and look at alternatives to the norm.


CHALLENGE: To be challenged is to learn. We learn most when we are challenged and put into a situation where we can apply our knowledge in new situations. To understand that if something breaks or falls down there is no point in rebuilding it the same way. Challenging ourselves to look for solutions and improve is where learning really happens.  


To implement our intent, the curriculum is organised into Learning Experiences that adopt a cross curricular approach, ensuring knowledge and skills are transferred and developed from one to another. Each Learning Experience begins with a Hook that is designed to motivate and engage the children. This can be anything from a trip to visit a place of interest, a visitor in to share their experience be it a paramedic, advertising consultant or even a Roman Solider, or a themed day in school.  Following the Hook, the children will focus on up to three curriculum areas at any one time to allow the knowledge and skills to be developed to a high standard, ensuring progression across the year with high expectations set.


To retain the knowledge, experiences are planned to capture information in a meaningful and memorable way. Classes record these in their “Book of Knowledge” to refer to throughout their time in school.


The impact of our curriculum is seen in the resilience of our pupils at secondary school; the confidence that pupils have when meeting visitors, the determination they present when faced with a challenge and resourcefulness that supports them to achieve well in their working lives.


Please feel free to look at our curriculum policy and see how this hands-on, investigative curriculum can really support and develop your child as a learner and a citizen of the future.


Curriculum / Current Learning Experiences Newsletters 

Also please click on the link below to see our class pages for more information, photos etc. relating to learning experiences.

Please see our current job vacancies under Key Information, Vacancies