
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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Holiday Clubs

Holiday Club


Our Holiday Club is run by support staff from our school and takes place during most school holidays (with the exception of the Christmas Holiday period).  The club runs Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 5.30pm and costs £20 per day for the eldest child and £18 per day for siblings.  All payments must be made in advance of child(ren) attending, Wincanton Primary School Families are able to book via ParentMail. 


The children have the opportunity to do indoor activities such as junk modelling, puzzles and games, Lego and cooking and outdoor activities such as bikes and trikes, playground games, playing in the wooded area and some gardening type activities. 


Children will require a packed lunch, a water bottle and suitable clothes for the weather.

We are looking for a 1:1 Learning Support Assistant working in the mornings and a Supervisor Cleaner. Please see our vacancies page for further information