Currently there are 7 members of the Governing Body, representing the Local Authority, local community, parents and staff. We are all volunteers, and we all have the same aims and ambitions for the school. We are interested in children, their education and their development.
We recognise that there are three important core roles in our contribution at Wincanton Primary School.
The first is strategic to ensure clarity of vision. It is our responsibility to agree policies and to monitor the impact of the school’s annual development plan.
The second is to be a ‘critical friend’. It is important that we ask relevant but probing questions. We examine the educational performance of the children in the school, and we give praise where it is good and seek ways of making improvements when expectations are not achieved.
Thirdly, we must oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent for the benefit of pupils.
Financial Information
Please click on the link below which will take you to the Policies page where you will find the Governors Allowances Policy.