
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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Safeguarding and Wellbeing

NSPCC Assemblies Autumn Term 2023

Please read the link page to see how you can support your child when they have their NSPCC assembly this half term. There are follow up activities for you at home and information about the material they will receive and be discussing in class.



this is short for - Child Exploitation and Online Protection



CEOP is here to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online.


You can make a report directly to the CEOP Safety Centre by clicking on the Click CEOP button (pictured above) if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online. CEOP take all reports seriously and we will do everything we can to keep you safe.


As well as making a report to the CEOP Safety Centre, the CEOP Education website has information and advice to help you if something has happened to you online.


Are you being bullied?

CEOP are unable to respond to reports about bullying but if you’re being bullied and would like to talk to someone in confidence right now you can speak to Childline on 0800 1111 or talk to them online – no worry is too big or too small.


If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact

Children's Social Care on 0300 123 2224 or

the school main number 01963 32132


We at Wincanton Primary School take our Safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. This means that we ensure that everyone working in our school has successfully completed the necessary clearances to enable them to work with children.
It also means that we have staff members who are specifically trained and nominated as the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) within school. These staff are the Head of School,  Interim Executive Headteacher and LSA/teatime and holiday club co-ordinator. The Interim Executive Headteacher has completed the DCSF accredited safer recruitment training.
We are all expected to share any concerns we have about staff conduct around children with the Headteacher. As in all schools, if there are concerns about the conduct of the Head, then these should be shared with the Chair of Governors. The staff ‘Whistleblowing Policy’ has been discussed and adopted and all staff have access to this document.
We also follow the South West Child Protection Procedures and the Somerset Safeguarding Children’s Partnership local guidance and have systems in place to share concerns regarding children’s welfare, child sexual exploitation, PREVENT/radicalisation, County Lines and Female Genital Mutilation with our DSLs, with parents and with relevant external agencies. Part of our legal duty to safeguard our children, may also include us needing to consult specifically with and take advice from, the Police or Children's Social Care, should the need arise.
By working closely together as a staff and with our partner agencies, we firmly believe that we will continue to offer a safe learning environment for all our children.
Please take the time to read our policies and do not hesitate to contact the school should you have any questions about this very serious issue.
 Notice to Visitors/Volunteers

This School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Children and Young People and expects all Staff, Volunteers and Visitors to share this commitment.

The use of mobile phones is not permitted on site and photographs must not be taken. All Parent helpers will be require a full DBS check before accessing the school in this role. 

Our designated safeguarding leads are:

  • Mrs Kay Carswell, Head of School


  • Mr Graeme Wilson, Interim Executive Headteacher


If you have a concern they can be contacted on Telephone: 01963 32132

Please click on the internal link below.  This will take you directly to the Policies page where you will be able to find the Policies regarding Safeguarding.

CSE - (Child Sexual Exploitation) - Powerpoint presentation

Helpful Numbers: 

  • Childline on 0800 1111
  • Children's Social Care on 0300 123 2224 - out of hours Emergency Duty Team on 0300 123 23 27
  • West Country Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
Helpful Websites
Thinkuknow Website

Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command.

Welcome back everyone we hope you had a lovely Summer Holiday.