
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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Welcome to Year 5 PPT for Sept 2020

Hello Apollo


Lovely work and effort put into you work on plants - well done Apollo! I hope you liked this Learning Experience and enjoyed doing your cress investigation.  I have shared photos of work I have been emailed so make sure you email me anything you have done that you are proud of. Our class e-mail is - it's always great to hear from you, and if you send in some work, we can share it on our class page (Scroll to the bottom to have a look).


This week's Learning Experience is Science based all about Space! You will find a PDF explaining what you will need to do each day for English, plus History, Art, DT, PE and PSHE activities below. 


You will also find Guided Reading tasks, spellings, Maths and Word of the Day to complete during the week too. 


Make sure you continue to spend 20 minutes each day reading independently.


It has been great to see that so many of you are regularly accessing Times Table Rockstars. Please try to do this daily as we all know how quick recall of our multiplication facts helps in so many other areas of Maths. Visit to play. You can find your login detail either in your reading record or in the front of your orange home learning workbook. If you have any issues logging in please let me know via the class email.


There is also still time to complete the Wincanton Book Challenge 2020 to try to earn a bronze, silver or gold certificate! I have been impressed with the entries so far. Please email them to:


Stay safe and keep smiling.


Miss Freeman


English and Afternoon Tasks for 13th - 17th July 2020

Maths for 13th - 17th June 2020

All videos and worksheets linked below.

Guided Reading for 13th - 17th July 2020

Monday’s Guided Reading

Today’s text is called A Moving Toy. Read the text about the moving toy and answer the questions about it. Then check your answers.

Meteors: Use the same text and answer the questions about it before checking your answers.  

See attached text, questions and answers.  


Wednesday’s Guided Reading

Today’s text is called Pets and Pests. Read the scenes involving pets and then write what you think will happen next using clues from the text to help you. You can then check what some possible answers could be.

See attached task and possible answers.


Friday’s Guided Reading

Today’s text is called Missing Words. Read the sentences and decide which word is missing using the words from the box at the bottom of the page. Explain your reasons for your decisions.  You can then check your answers.

See attached task and answers.


 To support you:

You will find a word mat about Imperative Verbs.

Spellings for 13th - 17th July 2020

Monday's Spellings

Write a sentence to explain the definition of each of the following words that are homophones:














Tuesday's Spellings

Go on to the Spelling Frame website: Work through Spelling Rule 51, looking at homophones and other words that are often confused.


Wednesday's Spellings

Go on to the Spelling Frame website:

Continue to work through Spelling Rule 51, looking at homophones and other words that are often confused.


Thursday’s Spellings

Go on to the Spelling Frame website:

Spend 10 minutes working through the test on Spelling Rule 51, looking at homophones and other words that are often confused.


Friday’s Spellings

Write a sentence that includes each of the following words that are homophones:














To support you with your spellings this week:


You can watch or join in again with a video of a song and dance about homophones:


You can have another look at the examples of homophones on the Word Mats attached below.

Word of the Day for 13th - 17th July 2020 (if you want to keep doing them)
English and Afternoon Tasks for 6th - 10th July 2020

Maths for 6th - 10th July 2020

All videos and worksheets linked below.

Guided Reading for 6th - 10th July 2020

Monday’s Guided Reading

Today’s text is called who’s got it right? Read the different speech bubbles about some television programmes and underline any words that are incorrect. Explain your reasons for your choices.

See attached task and answers.  


Wednesday’s Guided Reading

Today’s text is called Water Woman: A Superhero. Read the information about Water Woman and answer the 8 questions about the text. You can then check your answers.

Meteors: Read the same text and then answer your questions before checking your answers.

See attached text, questions and answers.


Friday’s Guided Reading

Today’s text is called Word Choices. Read the sentences and decide which word in bold is correct. Explain your reasons for your decisions.  You can then check your answers.

See attached task and answers.

Spellings for 6th - 10th July 2020

Monday's Spellings

Write a sentence to explain the definition of each of the following words that are homophones:














Tuesday's Spellings

Go on to the Spelling Frame website: Work through Spelling Rule 49, looking at homophones and other words that are often confused.


Wednesday's Spellings

Go on to the Spelling Frame website:

Continue to work through Spelling Rule 49, looking at homophones and other words that are often confused.


Thursday’s Spellings

Go on to the Spelling Frame website:

Spend 10 minutes working through the test on Spelling Rule 49, looking at homophones and other words that are often confused.


Friday’s Spellings

Write a sentence that includes each of the following words that are homophones:















To support you with your spellings this week:


You can watch another short video about homophones:


You can watch or join in with a video of a song and dance about homophones:


You can have another look at the examples of homophones on the Word Mats attached below.

Computing Tasks 6th - 10th July 2020
Word of the Day for 6th - 10th July 2020 (if you want to keep doing them)
Book Challenge 2020
Apollo Home Learning Photos and Documents

Solar Systems


Mary Anning

The Stone Age


The Highwayman

Year 5 Powerpoint presentation


Please click on the link below to take you to the Parents Curriculum Support page where you will find the Reading Guide for Parents and Volunteer Readers.  This guide will provide you with helpful information and tips when reading with your child / children.

Curriculum Newsletters

Welcome to Apollo Class!


The adults that work in Apollo Class are Miss Freeman and Mrs Andrews



Welcome to year 5.  This term our PE day will be every Thursday morning and also alternating Tuesday/Wednesdays.  On these days, please ensure that:

  • Children have all of the correct kit in school.
  • Long hair is tied back.
  • (If possible) bring both trainers and daps so they have the appropriate footwear for both indoor and outdoor PE.
  • Earrings are removed or taped over.


Maths homework will be given out on Fridays and due in the following Thursday. The spellings will also be given on the Friday and be tested on the following Friday. Your child should be able to complete this work independently as it will be based on work they have already done in class. Please do not hesitate to speak to us if you have any concerns.


Times table recall remains a focus this year and children will be tested weekly through ‘Times Table Olympics’ to ensure that their recall is quick and accurate. Times Table Rockstars is a great resource to support this and it can be accessed on laptops and tablets at home, as well as at school.


We are also encouraging all children to read at home; this needs to be recorded in the children's reading records. It is very important for the children to read regularly and understand their reading so that they can take the Accelerated Reader quizzes within school. When your child gets 85% or above in these quizzes, they are rewarded with a star which is put onto a class chart. We are aiming for 100 stars so that we can have a class treat!


Photos, news and pieces of work will also be added regularly to this page so make sure to watch this space.

Thanks for visiting.


Learning Experience

Our learning experience this half term is called 


Please see our curriculum newsletter at the top of page for more information




The Hook:




Take home task:


Hand in date: 


How you can support your child at home:

  • Encourage children to learn table facts up to 12 x 12 – improve speed and accuracy if possible.
  • Ensure that your child reads at least 4 times a week and has the opportunity to discuss their reading with you. Please could you ensure this is recorded in their reading record.
  • Help them to learn their weekly spellings and ensure they understand their meaning.
  • Encourage children to complete their maths homework with as much independence as possible.

Here are some photos of some of the hard work that Apollo’s Times Table Crew have been doing in the mornings.

Here are some photos of the children doing some performance speaking in front of their class. We have been looking at the Just So Stories written by Rudyard Kipling and in this lesson we were exploring the structure that they are written in. We decided to create our own and jumble them up for a bit of fun and experimentation. The room was full of giggles. 
Apollo working on organising animals into separate categories in science.

Year 5 learning about Fire Safety, "stop, drop and roll"

Year 5 and 6 Spellings


Don't forget to use the 'HIT THE BUTTON' website. Here you can:


  • rehearse multiplication tables
  • division facts
  • doubles
  • halves
  • square numbers
  • factors and prime numbers
Previous learning experiences / other class photos. 


These are the photos of the Apollo class Christmas Party! The children played musical statues, cones, chop the chocolate and other fun activities – all Christmas themed of course, with an incentive to win yummy prizes along with their fully loaded hot chocolate treat.

Apollo class constructing beam and cantilever bridges in small groups using K-Nex. 

HOOK DAY - Harry Potter Studio Tour

Photos from the road safety talk involving the local business community.  Thank you to Wincanton PLC



Apollo class were creating their own snakes and ladders games based around the concept of direct and indirect bullying. The children chose a scenario in which a child was being bullied (disability discrimination / racism / homophobia / sexism etc.) and they then decided on actions that would make the situation better and actions that would make it worse. For the actions that made it worse they slide down the snake, for the actions that made it better they would climb the ladder. This was an activity we covered in PSHE under the Celebrating Differences unit.
Welcome back everyone we hope you had a lovely Summer Holiday.