
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

Home Page



Hi Pluto Class!


The holidays are here!


Firstly a huge well done to all of you for your wonderful home learning. We were so impressed with everyone and most certainly deserve a break!


Secondly we look forward to seeing you in September with your new teachers and seeing you all achieve marvellous things!


Finally, we hope you have a fabulous summer with your families. Enjoy yourselves, rest and relax but most importantly have fun!


Enjoy the break and stay safe


Mrs Kilburn, Mrs Wines & Miss Boulton

What a fantastic two weeks we have had on castles. Please see some of the superb work we have received from your home learning. 

Wincanton Book Challenge 2020

This is a chance for you to share your favourite book with us, by completing a challenge which is similar to our usual take home tasks. Please read the attached sheet and then send us a photo of your finished project either on Tapestry or via our class emails. We look forward to seeing your amazing projects. 

Good luck :)


Please click on the link below to take you to the Parents Curriculum Support page where you will find the  Reading Guide for Parents and Volunteer Readers.  This guide will provide you with helpful information and tips when reading with your child / children.

Curriculum Newsletters

Welcome to Pluto Class!


Welcome to Pluto Class and Wincanton Primary School. 


Your teacher on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be Mrs Kilburn and on Thursday and Friday it will be Mrs Wines. Miss Boulton will be in the class every day she is the HLTA.


This term the Learning Experience is  


Please see our curriculum newsletter (see above) for more information as to what your child will be learning throughout the term.



We have PE on a Friday morning so please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school at the beginning of each half term and we will send them home with your child at the end of the half term.



We will change reading books on a Monday along with counting how many reads have been completed. Your child will be given 2 reading books to read to you over the week. They will be able to take home a sharing book that they can change as often as they require.


Please could book bags and reading records be in school every day.


If you are able to come in at any time to listen to children read please speak to a member of the reception team.



Your child will be sent home with a homework task on a Friday in their homework folder. Please complete the task and return the folder to school by the following Wednesday.


How you can support your child at home:

  1.  Blend letter sounds to create words: Using new digraphs learned.
  2.  Blend letter sounds to create words: Using new digraphs learned.
  3.  To share their reading book with them, talk about the pictures and what may happen in the story. Please            remember if your child reads 5 or times a week they shall receive a certificate and be praised in the                celebration assembly.
  4.  Ensure that your child has the correct secure grip on their pencil to be able to write.
  5.  Supporting your child with their weekly home learning journal tasks.
  6.  Recognising numbers to and from your journey to school, and around the house.
  7.  To complete set simple homework task. When writing letters please check they form their letters in the   correct starting place.




“Reception enjoyed dressing up as fairy tale characters for their hook day. During the day they took part in different activities relating to the story they were read; Goldilocks and the Three Bears (porridge making), The Three Billy Goats Gruff (bridge building), Three Little Pigs (building houses out of straw, sticks and bricks) and The Gingerbread Man (boat building and decorating ginger biscuits).”

We are looking for a 1:1 Learning Support Assistant working in the mornings and a Supervisor Cleaner. Please see our vacancies page for further information