
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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At Wincanton Primary School we provide a high quality Geography curriculum that has been designed to develop children’s curiosity and fascination about the world and how they can impact upon this. 

We believe that our Geography curriculum helps to provoke and answer questions about physical and human geography. Therefore, we commit ourselves to providing children with opportunities to investigate and make enquiries about their local area of Wincanton within the curriculum but also investigating different countries from across the world. This allows the children to develop a knowledge of the local area, the wider world, economics and how these are interdependent of each other.


The curriculum that we provide allows plenty of opportunities to develop a range of investigation and problem solving skills that can transfer into other curriculum areas, but also build upon previous knowledge and skills that have been taught in previous year groups, allowing the children sufficient time to be secure in the geographical knowledge. 


Our curriculum allows children to develop their knowledge of the local area, widening to other cities in the UK, moving on to Europe and the rest of the world. We have a strong global link with Zambia which gives the children real life experiences of other cultures around the world, which provides them with enriching experiences that they may not otherwise encounter. 



Throughout the school, geography is taught as part of Learning Experiences that progresses the children’s knowledge, and skills that are stated in the National Curriculum. We have made sure that the curriculum is taught through a range of exciting experiences. 


At the start of the Learning Experiences teachers elicit children’s knowledge through mind maps and create floor books together to show progression of this knowledge.  The children also receive a high quality of Geography lessons that plan for progression and depth concentrating on the geographical skills and knowledge suited to the age group.

Trips and visiting experts are provided for the children that enhance the learning experience and provide experiential knowledge to the curriculum.    Appropriate curriculum themed home learning tasks are also given which children complete with adults at home that will include Geography. 


Their Learning Experiences are designed to fully immerse and excite them as well as challenge their own thinking when geography is a focus. Some Learning Experiences have a greater geography focus, however, throughout the year there will be many opportunities for overlearning of key vocabulary, facts and skills.

We finish on Wednesday 24th July for the Summer break and return to school on Wednesday 4th September 2024.