
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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National Curriculum for Science KS1 and KS2 


Science 3 I's


Our intention when planning and delivering the science curriculum at Wincanton Primary School is to make children critical thinkers applying their scientific vocabulary and applying their skills. We intend for children to learn through child led experiments and investigations to deepen their understanding. Children use pattern seeking to further their thinking and to question their existing knowledge. The sequence of learning now builds on their prior knowledge and shows clear progression. Pupils learn about scientists in all fields of Science to understand the variety of Science careers available to them.


We have implemented this through science days based on the theme of flight this year, which gave the children opportunities to deepen their knowledge on pattern seeking and allowing the children to have child led investigations. We will continue to implement this as our curriculum is sequential and is built upon over the year and year groups, which is evident through knowledge organisers, knowledge checkers and through quizzes. The planning is thorough and has logical sequencing. We assess the children’s knowledge and understanding at the start and end of each unit, to show their progression.


The impact of our curriculum builds on prior knowledge and children take ownership of their own investigations. Knowledge checkers are showing the children’s progress and their understanding of their own learning and knowledge development. Our curriculum is having a positive impact on the children, which we see through their answers on their knowledge checkers, answers in quizzes, discussions for our Big Questions and through the scientific vocabulary they use confidently.


Science Concepts

Wincanton Primary School has introduced STEM concepts that will link to each Science lesson. These concepts are:

  • Hypothesis
  • Function and Purpose
  • Conclusion


To be able to guide research and make predictions.

To test theories and measure events.

A statement that can be tested to prove or disprove a theory.


Function and Purpose

To identify the function of an item and its role in everyday life.

To evaluate the purpose of an item and how it meets the need.

To identify any modifications that will improve the item.



Able to explain what has happened.

To use results to understand the reasons why things happen.


Each lesson will link to a concept, that the children will identify and then show on the classroom STEM display.

STEM Concepts

Science Sentence Starters

Examples of displays and pages in Book of Knowledge

We are looking for a 1:1 Learning Support Assistant working in the mornings and a Supervisor Cleaner. Please see our vacancies page for further information