
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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Welcome to Saturn Class!


For those of your who are joining Saturn class in September, below is our class PowerPoint which will explain some details about year 3. We have our zoom meetings on Monday 13th and Wednesday 15th at 2pm and I can't wait to see you all. Make sure you remember to bring your decorated sign with your name on and be ready to share something important to you so I can get to know you all better. 

Miss Ward and Miss Torode. smiley

Holly's letter to Saturn Class

Example of work: Space 

Home Learning - week commencing 13th July


This is our final week of home learning before the summer holidays begin. You have all worked so hard and I have loved seeing all of the work you have been completing at home. I know at times it hasn't been easy, but you all managed to do it. Keep sending in any work you do to me and watch this space as towards the end of the week, there might be a little surprise for you! smiley


We are also starting to create displays of the work you have been doing at home so if you have anything you are really proud of, bring it into school and leave it in the office and we will put it up ready for when you come back to Year 4 in September. 

English and topic


This week you will have a video to watch. Make sure you pause it at the right place when instructed by the planning. I hope you enjoy this final topic. I can't wait to read your diary entries. 



This week, you will use the same text for all of the different activities. Make sure you read it carefully before completing the tasks. 

This week we are looking at angles, lines and turns. If you are struggling with any parts of the work, please let me know and I can send over some more bits to help you.
PE resources

Examples of work: Plants 


It was great to see some of your bean sprouts and flowers on our zoom meeting today. Please keep me updated on how they grow. Here are some pieces of work you have sent into me so far. Hopefully I will receive a few more pictures soon. 

Examples of work: Castles
Ryan went to Sherborne Castle and has shared these photos with us. It looked like you had a great time. 

Examples of work: Superheroes



Resources to support learning
We finish on Wednesday 24th July for the Summer break and return to school on Wednesday 4th September 2024.