What is the Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in 2011/12 and provides additional funding on top of the main funding a school receives. It provides additional funding to 'close the gap' between children who are vulnerable to underachievement and other children in the school.
Wincanton Primary School is committed to closing the gap of deprivation between disadvantaged children and other children and the expenditure of Pupil Premium Grant funding is established within the school and is used on a personalised basis to meet the needs of the individuals; children are offered support and experiences to develop their learning at their own level.
Through high expectations and quality first provision, staff demonstrate their awareness of children in their classes who are eligible for pupil premium and are held to account for the progress of the individuals, as is the case for all children. Children who are at risk of under performing are clearly identified and discussed at length during half termly pupil progress meetings and more regular informal discussions.
How could Pupil Premium funding benefit you?
Who is eligible?
Parents/carers who receive any of the following are entitled to free school meals:-
Forms are straightforward to fill in and available from the school office.
We have included a breakdown summary regarding how our Pupil Premium Grant is calculated and distributed in the documents below.
Key Documents