
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Wonga

A scheme that gives children the chance to earn 'Wincanton Wonga' for doing jobs around school.  Children can chose which job they would like to do and are then interviewed for the position!  The job lasts for one term to enable all children to have a turn if they want to. 

The children earn 'wonga' which can be exchange for pens, pencils, notebooks etc

Jobs include recycling collector, medal collector, P.E. Ambassador, Librarian, playground buddy and wonga banker. 

Applications will be accepted in September. 


The Wonga Bank is open Wednesdays and Fridays 1 - 1.15pm outside the School Office. You will need your Wonga Card signed and dated by your employer to be able to exchange it for an item of your choice. 

Please see our current job vacancies under Key Information, Vacancies