Our aim for Children at Wincanton Primary School is to develop a breadth of understanding about the past and to become proficient Historians by analysing primary and secondary sources from the past. As confident Historians, we would like them to be able to explain and discuss how these sources give us an insight into the past, whether this information is reliable and the significance or impact this has on our lives today. Pupils will be able to make links to prior learning and use this effectively to extend their knowledge, creating curious learners that are able to take part in high level discussions with peers and teachers.
Our curriculum has been designed to cover all of the objectives and skills as stated in the National Curriculum. It allows for good progression with well planned, sequential and coherent lessons across the year groups. 4 main concepts have been mapped out across the year groups to ensure that children build upon their prior knowledge. These four concepts are: Hierarchy and Power, Everyday Life, Invasion and Settlement and Legacy.
History content through the 4 main concepts has been carefully planned as a whole school approach also meaning that content knowledge is specific and concise on the planning for each year group and each Learning Experience.
Through our History curriculum, children will recall specific content confidently, be able to ask and answer questions, take part in discussions and recognise the impact that local History and History from around the world, has on their lives today.
Children will have lots of opportunities to revisit and recall prior knowledge. They will learn subject specific content and vocabulary in a well planned and sequential format. Learning will be supported through the use of knowledge organisers enabling them to retain new facts and to support their learning. These are available as a daily table resource.
Working walls in each classroom displaying our four concepts will support children to retain information and scaffold their knowledge and promote discussion skills.
Weekly quizzes are used to ensure that children are retaining information and quizzes at the beginning and end of the Learning Experience show progression in knowledge and skills.
Knowledge checkers are used to assess the children’s prior knowledge at the beginning and then used at the end to show progress.
Children will take part in a range of ‘hands on’ Learning Experiences and will have frequent opportunities to explore a range of resources that develop skills and vocabulary.
Children will enjoy their learning and be curious to find out more. They will confidently talk about what they have learnt and recall specific information. Children will confidently analyse and discuss a range of sources and talk about why they are significant. Children will develop knowledge specific skills and vocabulary in an appropriate sequence.