
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

Home Page



Welcome to Jupiter Class!

The adults that work in this class are Mrs Webb and Mrs Perry.


Our new learning experience is ‘Let it Grow!’



Through this experience, the children will identify the functions and requirements of plant parts.  Their understanding of pollination, seed formation and dispersal will be developed through English as they learn how to write an informative leaflet.  During additional learning experience sessions, they will be exploring different plants and flowers scientifically, as well as through the medium of art. Within practical investigations, the children will be developing their understanding of the effects of light and water on plants and their growth. 


Times Tables

The times table are the foundation of your child’s maths knowledge and therefore extremely important for them to learn.

We would ask that you support your child by regularly reciting the tables up to 12 - in particular the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables.



Our P.E. sessions will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday this term.  We ask that the children come into school with their P.E. kit. As the cooler months begin, we would be grateful if you could ensure that your child has tracksuit bottoms available and their school jumper.



Your children will have weekly spellings, which will be taught to them during spelling lessons. However, to further their learning, practicing at home will ensure the rules and patterns are secure. They will be tested at the end of the week and their results will be written in their reading record so you can see how well they have progressed and any misconceptions that have arisen. The spellings for this week are:


Take home task

There are three options for this term. Children can build their own 3D model of a plant and label each part, research and create a poster on why bees are important for pollination and plant growth or grow a plant and keep a log of how much it is growing and the changes that are happening.

Due date: Monday 12th October



Reading with your child at home is one of the most important ways in which you can help your child to have the best start. As you share books, you are helping improve your child’s reading skills and also showing them how important and enjoyable reading is.

For the children who are enrolled on the Accelerated Reader (AR) scheme, we offer a diverse range of books to borrow from the library. Once they have completed their book, your child will complete an AR comprehension quiz and the results will be written into their reading record. We ask that shorter books are read thoroughly and more than once to ensure that vocabulary and comprehension are embedded.

We would be grateful if you could note your sharing of books in their reading record.

Please see our current job vacancies under Key Information, Vacancies