
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

Home Page




Welcome to Apollo Class!


Welcome Year 5,  


The adults that work in this class are Miss Phillips and Mrs Andrews.


Your new learning experience is  Carnival Time 


Please see our curriculum newsletter at the top of page for more information

After Easter our PE days will be on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.  Please ensure that the children come to school in the correct kit on these days and that long hair is tied back. We do not allow the children to wear earrings for PE, so please can they be removed on these days or taped over. 


Maths homework out on a Friday and due in/tested the following Friday. Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and tested on the following Friday. Your child should be able to complete this work independently, as it will be based on work they have already done in class. Please do not hesitate to email us if you have any concerns before the due date. Reading Tasks need to be completed weekly to on the page provided in Reading Records.


It is also beneficial if all children regularly practise their times tables facts, so that they will improve their speed of recall. Times Table Rockstars is a great resource to support this and it can be accessed on laptops and tablets at home. Times table recall remains a focus this year and children will be tested weekly through ‘Times Table Olympics’ to ensure that recall is quick and accurate. Time spent on Numbots will also improve children's number bond knowledge. Times Table Rockstars and Numbots login details are in the back of children's reading records.


We are also encouraging all children to read at home; this needs to be recorded into the children's reading records. It is very important for the children to read regularly and enjoy a wide selection of books. They need to read 5 times a week at home and this needs to be signed in the reading record.

We will be adding photos, news and pieces of work regularly to this page, so make sure you come back soon.


Please feel free to email with any questions you may have.

Thank you for visiting.

Miss Phillips


Learning Experience - Carnival Time


Start Date: Monday 3rd June 2024


End Date: Wednesday 24th July 2024


During this learning experience, the children will learn all about Brazil and its culture. They will be exploring carnival celebrations, as well as designing and building a model carnival float/cart. The children will be thinking about the use of: colours, design, how to make the float/cart eye catching for an audience and making it stand out. They will be looking at the key physical and human characteristics of Brazil and comparing them to the UK. Furthermore, they will be exploring the types of settlements and land use and finding out about the distribution of natural resources and materials. They will also be consolidating their maps skills from our previous learning experience.



The children will be experiencing a carnival themed day, where members from a carnival club will immerse the children in a day of activities linked to carnival. Throughout the day, the children will look at and try on a range of carnival costumes, learn about the designing and constructing of a carnival float/cart; learn how carnivals are becoming eco-friendlier as well as looking at the safety procedures for the procession. Date to be confirmed.



Over the course of two days, the children will be making a Brazilian themed carnival float/cart. This activity will involve them working on their teamwork skills, creativity and research skills. These will be shared with grown-ups on an outcome afternoon. Date to be confirmed.


Take home task:

  • Design or make a Brazilian carnival mask.
  • Write a poem about watching or being in a carnival.
  • Create a collage or a model of a carnival float/cart with a theme of your choice.
  • Compose a song or piece of music that depicts what a carnival is like.
  • Or anything you want linked to carnivals.


Hand in by: Friday 19th July 2024.


How you can support your child at home:

  • Take the opportunity to explore and discuss South America or discuss hip hop music
  • Learn times tables facts up to 12 x 12
  • Ensure that your child reads at least 5 times a week and has the opportunity to discuss their reading with you. Please could you ensure this is recorded in their reading record.
  • Help them to learn their weekly spellings and ensure they understand their meaning.

Help them be more independent with completing their maths homework and reading tasks.


Zambian Music Workshop

Bog Body News Reports

Out and About Hook Day - Body Body

Gears, Levers and Pulleys

Final Bridges

Bridge Building

Ice Cream Dream Hook Day

We finish on Wednesday 24th July for the Summer break and return to school on Wednesday 4th September 2024.