
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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Hooke Court Camp 23rd-25th October 2024


Curriculum Newsletters

Welcome to Saturn Class


Welcome to Saturn Class!


Welcome to Year 3,  


The adults in this class are Mr Sherwin and Mrs Perry. Mrs Windsor also works in our class as a 1:1 LSA


Our PE days after Easter will be on a Tuesday afternoon and a Wednesday morning . Please ensure children come to school in the correct kit on these days and that long hair is tied back. For children who wear earrings, please can these be removed for PE or be taped over. Also children can bring in daps to wear in the hall.


Our learning experience will be..   Anglo Saxons 


Please see our curriculum newsletter above for more information.

Curriculum Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 1- Let it Grow

Autumn 2- Groovy Greeks

We finish on Wednesday 24th July for the Summer break and return to school on Wednesday 4th September 2024.