After discussing what would work best for the children, it has been decided that spelling folders can be kept in bags across the week, look/say/cover/write/check sheets completed and given in on a Friday, so that the weekly spellings can be continued to be learnt all week at home before the spelling test on Fridays.
Curriculum Newsletter
The class adults are Miss Bowles (Class Teacher) and Mrs Beck (LSA / Year 6 Intervention).
To inspire the children at the start of this Learning Experience, they will be visited by the Rainforest Roadshow, where they will explore rainforests in depth and the animals and people that are found within them.
In this experience, the children will locate rainforests and explore the issues concerning these habitats around the world. A visit from the Rainforest Roadshow will give them some first-hand experience of this kind of habitat and the animals and people that are found in them. The children will develop a deeper understanding of all living things and how plants and animals have adapted to their environment. In addition to this, they will create artwork inspired by the colours and textures of the rainforest.
The children will be visited by the Rainforest Roadshow on Monday 9th September 2024. During the day, the children will have the opportunity to: explore life in the Rainforest, look at some live invertebrates, explore tribal artefacts and make tribal jewellery.
The children will display their rainforest artwork inspired by John Dyer in an Art Gallery for parents and family to visit. The date of the Gallery opening will Thursday 17th October 2024 at 3.15pm.
Take home tasks:
Choose from one, or even more, of the following. Alternatively, choose something of your own – get creative!
Hand in date: Friday 18th October 2024
How you can support your child at home:
To inspire the children at the start of this Learning Experience, they will be visited by the Rainforest Roadshow, where they will explore rainforests in depth and the animals and people that are found within them.
Our PE days will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure children come to school in the correct kit on these days and that long hair is tied back. We do not allow the children to wear earrings for PE so please can they be removed on these days or taped over.
At the end of September Year 6 will be swimming on a Friday afternoon (more details to follow soon via ParentMail). Please ensure your child brings in their swim kit, which should consist of a one-piece swimming costume or swimming shorts/trunks (not baggy), goggles and towel. These must be brought into school on the morning of the lesson. If these are forgotten there will not be a phone call home.
Thank you for taking the time to read all the information.
Miss Bowles
Under Threat Hook Day
We were so lucky to have a visit from the Rain Forest Roadshow this week, as part of our new learning experience 'Under Threat'. Dave brought in wonderful creatures, that you'd find in the Rainforest and told us all about his adventures. We learnt about indigenous people, the wildlife, the importance of conservation within these valuable ecosystems, as well as so much more!
On Thursday 3rd October, Year 6 children went on a fantastic trip to Gillingham Comprehensive School for a Sparks Curiosity Cube event. The children took part in a range of Science activities based on the theme of ‘The lifecycle of a t-shirt.’ During the session, the children took part in the following activities:
1. Visiting the Curiosity Cube and learnt all about t-shirt production
2. A Curiosity Lab session exploring sustainable practices
3. and visiting the Explorer Dome