Curriculum Newsletters
Welcome to Pluto Class!
Welcome to Pluto Class and Wincanton Primary School.
Your teachers will be Mrs Gibson on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Stapleton on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Miss Boulton is your learning support assistant in Pluto Class every day.
This term the Learning Experience is SPACE
We will be having a visit from Wonderdome as our Learning Experience hook! We will be learning key facts about space, sharing fiction stories that help us imagine how we would get there and learning about important people from the past who have explored space.
Pluto Class have their P.E. day on Wednesday. Our Spring term focus will be on Physical Development: Gross Motor Skills and our independent skills. Therefore we are asking that children come to school in school uniform with a PE kit in a named PE bag that they can practise changing in and out of.
We will also be going to forest school on a Tuesday morning. Please can children have wellies in school to change into for Forest School sessions. We may get muddy!
Please see our curriculum newsletter above for more information as to what your child will be learning throughout the term.
Reading within EYFS:
Your child now has a Wincanton Primary Book bag. We would like them to bring their book bag to school EVERY DAY. This is so we can give out resources and books when we need to.
We are following Unlocking Letters and Sounds as our phonics scheme at Wincanton Primary.
The children will be learning to link Graphemes to phonemes. They will be learning to blend sounds together to read and segment words in order to write.
When children can confidently blend using some Phase 2 sounds we will send home a decodable reading book.
We are expecting your child to read at home at least 4 times per week. However, the more they can practise the skill of blending the more confident they will be with reading.
We will change books once your child has read the book three times. The journey through the book should be:
1st time - Decoding (breaking words down to read them
2nd time- Fluency
3rd time - comprehension
If you would like a book changed more regularly to engage your child at home please speak with the class teacher.
We are also asking you to continue to support your child's reading for pleasure experience. We will visit the school library so that your child can bring home a family sharing book. This is for you to read to your child as it will not be decodable for them.
We want your child to love listening to stories but also love the journey they are on learning to read themselves. We welcome you onto their reading journey.