
Wincanton Primary School

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Wincanton Primary School

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Curriculum Newsletters

Welcome to Venus Class!


Welcome to Year One and to Venus Class! We are really looking forward to all the fun activities and work will be doing this year with you.


The adults who will teach and support Venus Class are Mrs Allan (Class Teacher), Mrs Couzens (Learning Support Assistant) and Mrs Vincent (1-2-1 Learning Support Assistant).


This term our PE days will be on Monday and Tuesday.  Please ensure children come to school in the correct kit on this day and that long hair is tied back. We do not allow the children to wear earrings for PE, so please can they be removed on these days or taped over.


We ask that the children bring their book bags in every day, so we can hear them read and change books if necessary. Each week, we shall be visiting our school library and will encourage the children to bring home a sharing book. This book is for you to enjoy together, with the adult reading most of the text.


Homework is given out every Friday and is due back in on the following Wednesday.


Spellings will be given out each week on a Friday for the children to practise at home to then have a spelling check the following Friday.


Our learning experience for this term is    Treemendous Outdoors 


Please see our curriculum newsletter (below) for further details of the learning to take place.


Year 1 Common Exception Words

Year One support


If you would like to work on extra activities at home, here are some games and worksheets, which focus on Maths and English objectives.

Curriculum Knowledge Organisers Autumn 2
